It is used in recording the room reservation for a particular month of a given year. It can show a room status of one whole month at a glance. The room numbers are put in sequence whereas the room numbers are random. This chart may be maintained in a loose-leaf file, but appropriately should be mounted on the wall of the reservation section. this chart is focused mainly on the room numbers rather than the room type.

Here, room numbers and types are listed vertically on the two lines of the left side of the chart and the date is listed in horizontal columns of two lines on the top. The remaining lines of this chart shows the rooms blocked on the given dates. Rooms assigned at the time of reservation are indicated with the help of an arrow drawn horizontally. The guests name is marked against the room numbers with with arrows extending from the arrival date to the departure date. One -way of working with this chart is to mark the reservation chart in pencil where the booking is made and linked after the booking is confirmed. However, the arrow and names has to be erased if the booking is canceled/ revised. The chart should reflect an accurate and up-to-date situation regarding room reservation and room available for sale at all times.


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