
Showing posts from April, 2012

City ledger

In hotel accounting , the city ledger is the collection of accounts belonging to non-registered guests. This is distinct from the transient ledger (or front-office ledger, or guest ledger), which is the collection of accounts receivable for guests who are currently registered. The vast majority of accounts in the city ledger are accounts receivable (one notable exception is the advance deposit account discussed below, which is an account payable ). Included in the city ledger are accounts belonging to various companies that utilize the hotel for meeting space and for lodging travelling executives. Instead of billing separately for each individual service that the hotel provides, the charges are accumulated in the company's city ledger account. The hotel then periodically sends the bill to the company. The second major component of the city ledger are credit card accounts. When a guest uses a credit card, this transaction creates an account receivable for the ho...

Menerima Tamu Check In

A : Receptionist B : Mr Chris Scott  A : Good morning. Welcome to Kimuni Hotel. May I help you? B : Good morning. I want to check in. A : Do you have a reservation/Have you got a reservation? B : Yes, under (the name of) Chris Scott. A : Please wait a moment. I will check it first. …………………………………………………………….. A : Yes Mr Scott. We have your reservation for one deluxe room. Check in today and check out on January 03, total 7(seven) nights. Is that correct (in order)? B : Yes, It’s correct. A : Could you fill in this registration form, please. ……………………………………………………………. B : Here you are. (returning the form to the receptionist). A : Thank you. How will you pay(settle) your bill? B : Can I pay by credit card? A : Sure/Certainly. We accept Amex, Visa, Master, BCA and JCB card. B : I will pay by Visa Card. A : Could I imprint your card, please/Could I take an imprint of your credit card, please? B : Sure. Here you are.  A : Thank you. ……………………………………………….. A : Here you are (returning the...

Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris (Reservation Request)

A = Reservation staff B = Mr Chris Scott A : Good morning Reservation (of Kimuni Hotel), how may I help you? B : I want to book a room (make a room reservation) A : When would you like to stay with us? B : Around the end of this/the year. A : All right Sir. We have 3 types of room, standard, deluxe, and suite. The price of the standard room is Rp 50.000 (fifty thousand rupiah) per night, deluxe room is Rp 100.000 (one hundred thousand rupiah) per night, and the suite is Rp 200.000 (two hundred thousand rupiah) per night. What(which) type of room would you like to book? B : I want to book a deluxe room for me and my wife. A : Please wait a moment. I will check if the deluxe room is still available for the end of the year. ……………………………………………… A : All right Sir, we still have deluxe room available for the end of the year. May we know your arrival and departure date? B : I will arrive on 27th December and depart on January 03rd. A : All right Sir I will make a room reservati...

Fungsi & Peranan Front Office Pada Sebuah Hotel

Salah satu  unsur akomodasi pada industri Pariwisata kita adalah Perhotelan. Pada saat ini kita coba membahas tentang unsur akomodasi Perhotelan ini, khususnya Font Office Hotel (Kantor Depan Hotel) Sebelum itu kita lihat kutipan tentang pengertian Hotel dibawah ini. Pengertian Hotel dikutip dari Surat Keputusan Menparpostel yaitu :  SK: KM34/HK103/MPPT-87 , yaitu : Hotel adalah suatu jenis akomodasi yang mempergunakan sebagaian/seluruh bangunan untuk menyediakan jasa pelayanan penginapan, makan dan minum serta jasa lainnya bagi umum, yang dikelolah secara komersial serta memenuhi ketentuan persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam surat keputusan. Hampir semua kegiatana yang ada dikantor (front office) depan berhubungan dengan tamu, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Oleh sebab itu Front office memiliki fungsi dan peranan penting dalam operasi sebuah hotel. PERANAN FRONT OFFICE Front Office mempunyai macam-macam peran. Ada 8 peran penting dari Front Offic...

Can You Change or Cancel a Hotel Room?

You can always change or cancel hotel reservations. The question really is can you do so without incurring any charges. There is no standard answer to that. Hotel Cancellation Policies Hotels state their cancellation policy on their website. This varies from hotel to hotel, and even within various properties of the same chain. If you cancel within the stated cancellation period, there is no charge. Outside of that the hotel usually charges for one night. Make sure you know the cancellation policy before you book a stay. Prepaid Hotel Reservation Prepaid stays are charged to the credit card at the time of booking. The cancellation period is longer. Some hotels require at least 72 hours notice as compared to same day notice on non-prepaid reservations. There is also a cancellation fee. Web-only fares state clearly that no cancellation will be all...


During the guest’s stay, the housekeeping status of the guestroom changes several times. The various terms defined are typical of the room status terminology of the lodging industry. Not every room status will occur for each guestroom during every stay. Occupied : A guest is currently registered to the room. Complimentary : The room is occupied, but the guest is assessed no charge for its use. Stay Over : The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night. On-change : The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and readied for re-sale. Do Not Disturb : The guest has requested not to be disturbed. Sleep-out : A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used. Skipper : The guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or her account. Sleeper : The guest has settled his or her account and left the hotel, but the front office staff has failed to properly update the room’s status. Vac...


This is the development of the conventional booking chart to overcome its weakness. It is mostly used in large and commercial establishments with standardized rooms because its basic principle is that the rooms of the particular type is grouped together. In this chart, room types are listed in sequence whereas the room numbers are random. each chart may cover a period of one month and is available in the printed form of loose- leaf of paper. The chart indicates the reservation status od the particular type of rooms in a given month at a glance Here, room types and room numbers are listed on two vertical columns on the left hand side. the date and days of the month are listed in horizontal column on top. The reservation assistant updates the chart by putting a cross indicate reservation as and when they occur.


It is used in recording the room reservation for a particular month of a given year. It can show a room status of one whole month at a glance. The room numbers are put in sequence whereas the room numbers are random. This chart may be maintained in a loose-leaf file, but appropriately should be mounted on the wall of the reservation section. this chart is focused mainly on the room numbers rather than the room type. Here, room numbers and types are listed vertically on the two lines of the left side of the chart and the date is listed in horizontal columns of two lines on the top. The remaining lines of this chart shows the rooms blocked on the given dates. Rooms assigned at the time of reservation are indicated with the help of an arrow drawn horizontally. The guests name is marked against the room numbers with with arrows extending from the arrival date to the departure date. One -way of working with this chart is to mark the reservation chart in pencil where the booking is...


PROSEDUR CHECK-OUT Beri Salam. Tanyakan nomor kamarnya, dan masukan kedalam computer (PMS). Identifikasikan dengan menanyakan nama tamu untuk mencocokan kebenarannya. Tanyakan apakah tamu mendapatkan hari yang menyenangkan selama menginap di hotel. Beritahukan ke tamu untuk di periksa fasilitas Mini Bar di kamar. Serahkan salinan bill pengeluaran selama tamu menginap beserta bill pendukungnya; Room Charge, Bar, Restaurant, Telephone, Mini Bar dan lainnya. Tanyakan ke tamu mengenai pembayarannya, apakah pembayaran Cash, Kartu Kredit dan apabila sudah ditanggung dengan Guarantee Letter atau Voucher, lihat apa yang tidak ditanggung. KHUSUS PEMBAYARAN CHECK (tergantung dari kebijaksanaan Hotel, apakah menerima pembayaran Check) Bila menerima Yakinkan Check di isi dengan benar di Counter Periksa jumlah uang yang ditulis sama dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan Periksa tanda ?tangan dan alamat tamu dibelakang Check tersebut Minta kartu kredit tamu untuk di Card Ver seb...

Prosedur Check-in

A. Prosedur check in untuk tamu individu/perorangan Prosedur/tahapan penanganan check in untuk tamu perorangan adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Tamu yang datang di hotel Setelah kendaraan pengantar mereka memasuki lobby, maka akan disambut oleh seorang doorman untuk membukakan pintu, menyampaikan selamat datang dan menawarkan untuk menurunkan barang bawaannya dari bagasi mobil. Setelah ada tanda persetujuan dari tamu, doorman akan meminta bellboy untuk menurunkan barang tamu dari mobil dan disimpan diatas luggage trolley sampai ke depan pintu utama hotel atau ada yang menempatkan barang bawaan tamu didekat reception counter sambil menanti tamu untuk melakukan registrasi. Dengan suatu alasan bahwa tamu sering mencari barangnya, mulai dari passpor, tanda pengenal diri sampai uang serta barang penting lainnya biasanya ada di salah satu tas yang dibawakan bellboy.  2. Bellboy mengarahkan atau mengantarkan tamu ke reception counter atau front desk . Sampai di count...

10 Hotel paling aneh di dunia

Buat Anda yang sudah terbiasa pergi ke berbagai daerah dan tinggal di hotel, mungkin Anda akan cepat merasa bosan jika tinggal di hotel yang standar, walaupun berbagai fasilitas tentu tersedia, tapi mungkin tidak akan seunik hotel-hotel yang ada di bawah ini: 1. Jumbo Hotel (Stockholm) Penginapan Kapal Terbang Pertama di Dunia Badan Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet ini hampir dihancurkan sebelum akhirnya diselamatkan menjadi hotel dengan daya tampung 25 kamar, dan didirikan di bandara Arlanda, Stockholm. Tiap kamar ternyata dapat mencapai luas 12 meter persegi lebih, lengkap dengan kamar tidur tingkat, lemari gantung, dan TV layar datar. Di ‘kapal terbang’ ini ada area resepsi dan kafe dengan toilet dan tempat mandi (yang artinya Anda harus berbagi kamar mandi atau kamar kecil). Dek tingkat dua berisi ruangan konferensi, sedangkan kokpit pesawat disulap menjadi kamar pengantin. Memang nggak senyaman kamar hotel bintang 5, tapi setidaknya pengalaman yang ada akan jadi luar...

Types of Hotel Key

1. Room Key : Key available for use by the guests to open the rooms such as CARD or a special card and some form of regular keys, so-called Key Tag if the child is the key hanger. 2. Pass Key : key available for use by Room Boy or Maid in carrying out cleaning duties rooms. 3. Master Key : A key that can be used to open the door on one floor / floor or one section area. So if the hotel consists of 8 floors / section in the hotel so there will be 8 pieces Master Key. Kinci is usually held by the head of the House Keeping and used when necessary to inspect the work of Room Boy all the time. 4. Grand Master Key: A key that can open every door of the room / common room in the hotel, including Restorant, Section Floor Area, and so on. This key usually held by the Chief or Duty Manager at the time of the afternoon, and is used to open the locked door or twice in double lock. Double Lock occur: a. Payment for guest accounts in doubt , so that the management was forced to block ro...

4 Tipe pelayanan Hotel

1. Tipe Freezer: suatu karakteristik pelayanan yang menerapkan mutu prosedur rendah dan mutu personil rendah. PEndekatan yang digunakan adalah “masa bodoh” ditandai dengan cara kerja yang lambat, tidka konsestan, tidak terorganisir, tidak nyaman dan dimensi personal ditandai dengan tidak sensitive, dingin , tidak ramah, apatis dan tida menarik (low procedure/organite consistency/attention => customer is not important ) 2. Tipe Factory Suatu karasteristik pelayanan yang menerapkan mutu procedure tinggi sementara mutu personil rendah. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah “Pembeli adalah barang dan siap diproses” ditandai dengan cara kerja yang tepat waktu, efisien dan seragam, sementara dimensi personil ditandai dengan tidak sensitive, tidak ramah dan tidak menarik. (High procedure but low quality service => customer is obyect/goods, ready for processing) 3. Tipe Friendly Zoo Suatu karasteristik pelayana yang menerapkan mutu procedure rendah dan mutu personil tinggi. Pend...

Jenis Tempat Tidur di Hotel

1. Single Bed : Satu buah tempat tidur tunggal yang berfungsi untuk ditempati oleh satu orang. 2. Double Bed : Satu buah tempat tidur ganda berfungsi untuk ditempati oleh dua orang 3. Twin Bed : Dua buah tempat tidur tunggal yang masing-masing berfungsi untuk ditempati oleh satu orang, yang diletakkan secara terpisah dalam satu kamar. 4. Studio Twin : Dua buah tempat tidur tunggal yang ditempatkan secara terpisah di dalam satu kamar dan dua buah tempat tidur tersebut sewaktu diperlukan, bila dijadikan/berfungsi sebagai sofa/kursi tambahan di dalam kamar. 5. Closet/Murphy Bed : Sama halnya twin Bed, tempat tidur didalam kamar, dapat disimpan dan dirapatkan atau didempetkan ke dalam dinding dan menjadi satu dengan dinding, yang dipasang saat diperlukan. 6. Convertible Bed : Tempat tidur dengan ukurfan yang lebih besar dari double bed, berfungsi untuk dua orang. 7. Extra Bed : Tempat tidur tunggal, yang berfungsi sebagai tempat tidur tambahan di dalam kamar apabila...

Table manners

Etika makan atau Table Manners adalah aturan yang harus dilakukan saat bersantap bersama di meja makan. Etika makan diperkenalkan oleh bangsa Eropa melalui berbagai artikel menarik yang merupakan aturan standar terutama saat bersantap bersama-sama di sebuah acara resmi atau acara makan bersama di keluarga besar. Setiap negara memiliki aturan meja makan yang berbeda-beda. Namun, ada beberapa aturan dasar yang terdapat di setiap etika makan, yaitu : Makan dengan mulut yang tertutup saat mengunyah makanan Berbicara dengan volume suara yang rendah Tutupi mulut saat batuk atau bersin Jangan menyandarkan punggung di sandaran kursi Jangan menimbulkan suara saat mengunyah makanan Jangan memainkan makanan dengan peralatan makan Jangan mengejek atau memberitahu seseorang bahwa dia memiliki etika makan yang buruk Jangan bersendekap di meja makan Selalu meminta ijin ke empunya acara saat akan meninggalkan meja makan Jangan menatap mata orang lain saat dia sedang makan Jangan be...